01628 674 644 / Intl +44 1628 674 644

Youki The Wound Healer can be used to significantly improve patient outcomes following surgery. Youki Bio-Cell Spray helps speed up wound closure  and Youki Skin Repair Cream minimises scarring and keloid formation.

Case Study 1: Basal Cell Carcinoma

Mr H was a 55 year old patient with a malignant basal-cell carcinoma. The patient began the Youki protocol 10 days following the procedure and used Bio-Cell Spray and Skin Repair Cream.

Case Study 2: Scar Healing following Total Knee Replacement

Mrs H was a 65 year old patient who had total knee replacement (TKR) surgery. The patient began the Youki protocol immediately after the procedure and used Bio-Cell Spray and Skin Repair Cream.

Case Study 3: Scar Healing following Hip Replacement

Mrs T was a 70 year old patient who had hip replacement surgery. The patient began using Youki Skin Repair Cream nine months following her operation. The scar has flattened and redness has diminished, leaving little evidence of surgery.