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Youki Works Wonders for Pressure Ulcer

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Aesthetic Medicine

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Medical LiveWire Global Award Winner

Clinogen has won the Medical LiveWire Global Award for Innovation in Wound Healing.


King’s College Study

This report discusses the management of wounds in palliative care. Current wound care can trace its roots to Winter’s seminal work on the epidermis of pigs. From this, moist wound healing theory and modern wound dressings have been developed.


Advanced Repair Therapies (Woodhead Publishing)

Sujata Jolly, an expert in advanced wound healing, was invited to co-author a chapter on the concept of Dry Wound Healing Using Spray-on Dressing for Chronic Wounds. The book, Advanced Wound Repair Therapies book is published by Woodhead Publishing.

Foreign and Commonwealth Bulletin on Youki

Clinogen Medical’s (Depeche Mode’s) system is a spray that encourages the skin to heal itself naturally by creating an invisible web across the wound. Amino acids and proteins that mimic those made by blood, rapidly speed up the cell growth to fill any holes. It basically speeds and assists the scabbing process.